
Pipe traps

Pipe traps

Internal pipe traps ТВМ

Труболовка ТВМ
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Internal pipe traps ТВМ are designed for extracting pump and compressor, drill or casing pipes from the well in whole or in parts of the emergency column during fishing operations. The grip is made for the inner surface of the pipe.

The design of the traps provides the possibility of release from the emergency object if it is impossible to extract it from the well.
The pipe traps have a flushing hole to restore circulation through the emergency column. They are manufactured in right and left versions.

Technical parameters

Шифр типоразмера труболовкиТВМ-48ТВМ-60ТВМ-73ТВМ-89ТВМ-102ТВМ-114ТВМ-127ТВМ-146ТВМ-168ТВМ-194ТВМ-245
Диапазон захватываемых внутренних
диаметров труб, мм
Присоединительная резьбаЗ-66З-73З-76З-76З-86, З-88З-86, З-88З-76З-86, З-88З-86, З-88З-86, З-88З-152

Die-type internal tube traps (ТВ, ТВУ, ТВП)

Труболовка ТВ

Die-type internal tube traps (ТВ, ТВУ, ТВП) they are intended for extraction from wells in whole or in parts of emergency columns of pump-compressor, drill or casing pipes during fishing operations. The grip is made for the inner surface of the pipe. They are made of the right and left versions, with an elongated design-U (the number of dies has been increased in order to improve the coupling of the trap with the pipe), with a flushing hole-P (to restore circulation through the emergency column).

Technical parameters

ОбозначениеДиаметр захватываемых труб, ммПрисоединительная резьба по
ГОСТ 28487-90
ТВ-48, 60, 73, 89, 102, 114, 127, 16848, 60, 73, 89, 102, 114, 127, 168З-88
ТВП-48, 60, 73, 89, 102, 114
ТВУ-48, 60, 73, 89, 102, 114, 127, 168

External coupling released tube-head ТМО

Труболовка ТМО

External coupling released tube-head (ТМО-89-116), designed for grabbing the coupling or landing and lifting the entire emergency column of pump and compressor, drill pipes with a diameter of 60 or 73 mm. The trap has a reliable gripping mechanism that prevents false release of the emergency tool when lifting. The design of the trap provides release from the emergency object if it is impossible to extract it from the well. They are manufactured in right and left versions.

Technical parameters

ОбозначениеДиаметр захватываемых труб, ммПрисоединительная резьба по ГОСТ 28487-90
ТМО-89-11660, 73З-88

External tube traps ТН, ТНЗ, ТНС

Труболовка ТН

External tube traps they are intended for extraction from wells in whole or in parts of emergency columns of pump-compressor or drill pipes during fishing operations. A collet-type gripper grabs the outer surface, coupling, or pipe head. They are manufactured in right and left versions. Tnz - rublovka the exterior of the castle.

Technical parameters

Шифр типоразмера труболовкиЗахватываемые размеры труб, ммНаружный диаметр, мПрисоединительная резьба по ГОСТ 28487-90

Internal spiral tube head ТВС

Труболовка ТВС

Internal spiral tube head ТВС designed for capturing and extracting emergency drill and casing strings from the well. If necessary, the trap is released from the captured pipes.

Technical parameters

Грузоподъемность, кН2000
Диаметры извлекаемых труб, мм140-146-147
Масса, кг130